“Without water, we can’t continue”
In 2021 Cedars Farm invested in a Futurepump solar water pump. Using solar appealed as it allowed them to keep the farm off-grid and clean from polluting fuel pumps. […]
In 2021 Cedars Farm invested in a Futurepump solar water pump. Using solar appealed as it allowed them to keep the farm off-grid and clean from polluting fuel pumps. […]
Below is a guest blog shared from Cedar Hedge Farm in Ontario, Canada, looking at how they managed the unusually dry weather in 2021. These updates were written by Farmer Chris in July 2021 and January 2022. From the different solar pumps they tried, to the impacts of irrigation on crop growth, this is a […]
Peter is a solar water pump farmer of a four-acre commercial farm near Nakuru, Kenya. Peter gave us a tour of his amazing shamba (farm), including the new borehole and water pan he is installing to improve irrigation outcomes across his whole farm. […]
As a result of this project, 193 young people are now farming in their own gardens, growing cash crops and 163 of them are receiving double income. […]
Fornecendo uma maneira sustentável e confiável de manter suas culturas de cultivo durante todo o ano, ao mesmo tempo em que economiza tempo e dinheiro em sua fazenda. […]
Providing a sustainable and reliable way to keep your growing crops all year round, while saving you both time and money on your farm. […]
Providing a sustainable and reliable way to keep your growing crops all year round, while saving you both time and money on your farm. […]
Hear from Matthew how solar irrigation has benefitted his farm. Including less work, more income, and expanding his farm! […]
We have eight generous farmers and farmer groups who are helping us test and improve this automated irrigation system. […]
WOTA distribute Futurepump solar pumps across Malawi, you can find more out about them and find out how to get in contact with them, here. […]
Based in Lilonqwe, right in the centre of Malawi, to the west of the lush and fertile lake shores of Lake Malawi: Futurepump distributor WOTA! […]
Meet our Mozambique distributor with a mission to provide quality irrigation solutions at affordable prices… […]
The Futurepump Tour takes us to Ghana, where we’re exploring cocoa beans, the major export crop, and link to both smallholders and irrigation. […]
Our Futurepump Tour takes us to Uganda – where we will visit customers, share their stories and learn about Ugandan smallholder agriculture. […]
The goal: phasing out unsustainable fossil fuel pumps and to empower rural smallholders, all whilst protecting the environment. […]
Meet one of our most entrepreneurial customers: Vincent uses his Futurepump solar pump to irrigate his farm and rents it to his neighbours. […]
Our remote monitoring vision: to be able to proactively determine the condition of a pump, anywhere in the world! […]
The Jamboree helps us to learn from our distributors and to learn what the customer needs. Find out more here. […]
The Futurepump SF2 is now available globally, through distributors and through our own, direct from the factory online shop! […]
Myth 1: Solar panels are expensive. Myth 2: Solar PV panels do not work in cold locations. Myth 3: Solar panels are large and ugly. […]